However, home treatment of mild to moderate acne can dramatically reduce the appearance of acne on your face, giving you clearer skin and more confidence in your appearance.
After you decide that you want to treat your acne at home, it is essential that you are patient for the first couple of weeks. Acne medications do not work in a matter of days, as they need to fight deep below the surface to balance your skin, but after a couple of weeks you should start to see results. The same rule holds for prescription medications, as noticeable results will occur after a couple weeks.
One of the first steps to improving your complexion is washing your face thoroughly two to three times a day. Wash your hands with an anti bacterial soap and, using a mild bar soap or acne scrub, thoroughly wash your face for about thirty seconds. Make sure that your bar soap is fragrance and color free as these can clog your pores and irritate your skin, causing inflammation and increased redness of your face.
If washing your face is not enough, further measures can be taken for home acne treatment. One of the most common is the use of benzoyl peroxide, which can be found in face wash, bar soap, topical cream or gel. Benzoyl peroxide is typically used once or twice daily, but initially most people should only apply it once a day or every other day to avoid redness and excessive drying.
Generally, results will be evident after a few weeks, but if you do not notice a difference by then you should consult your dermatologist for advice.
Another popular home acne treatment is salicylic acid. You can usually find this in medicated facial pads and also in some face washes. Salicylic acid prevents your hair follicles from shedding excess skin and clogging your pores, thereby fighting the cause of most acne and blackheads.
Whichever home treatment you believe to be best for your acne, always keep in mind that the results are gradual and will be noticeable in a couple weeks. Follow the directions for your product and only use it the specified number of times per day.
Also, combining treatments at the same time may cause irritation and excessive dryness to your face, so benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid should only be used one at a time. If you do not notice results for your home acne treatment after several weeks, contact your doctor for further advice.

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